Monday, February 17, 2020

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 40

Assignment - Essay Example Other strengths include the expansion of the democratic space that has seen the women’s suffrage that allowed women to vote, and civil rights movements. All this events have occurred without causing an uprising against the liberal supreme rule of law. Religious pluralism represents another strength of classical liberalism (Crowards, 1995, p, 21). This has provide the best record of non-violent religious pluralism across the earth. Christians in the US from various denominations, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Jews, and Budhists live in peace as opposed to areas that apply a different form of leadership. Classical liberalism give a chance to the people to be leading immovators and producers in the world. Revealed and stated preference techniques belong to the discerned environmental decision-making processes, which rank individual preferences above and other element during the analysis and in the process ranking lowest the systems that escape direct application of individual preferences. They depend on advice and opinion from professional panels, policy makers, and other stakeholder groups when these decisionsAmong the areas analysed include putting emphasis on individual preferences above management concepts of complicated environmental systems yet the individual has little information that sometimes is inaccurate of any merit. According to them, this is one of the reasons informed people need to participate. It is essential to remember that at this moment, it is good to comprehend the particular role of information that informs the knowledge of individual preferences (Edwards, 1992, p. 43). Furthermore, considering the function of information in policy and assessment of damages is important. Environmental decision-making processes differ basing on either professional’s point view or preference of individuals. The striking difference between these approaches starts with disagreements over the concept of economic value used inputs. The inputs

Monday, February 3, 2020

Business Concept Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Concept Description - Essay Example Small-scale producers gain through Rare Tea’s buying harvests up-front by saving associated costs for their distribution. What is unique about the product of Rare Tea is the presence of trust it places with its small-scale producers that could generate high-standard quality of best-tasting tea in the world. Adhering to this leads to buyer-producers relationship, which the bottom line is to hold fast to product quality and sustainability, while Rare Tea continues to take charge of the entire distribution through buying harvests up-front. Ensuring the best quality and sustainable supplies of best-tasting tea leaves is a remarkable way of giving high value for customers’ needs. This is to make sure that the customers will always have the quality product the moment they need it. In addition, the existence of fair trade from farm to customers would guarantee generating the right price for the product. The Rare Tea, as a small-scale company is trying to beat highly established vast private tea farms. Its long-standing relationship with producers under small-range farming allows it to explore vast opportunity across the world as there are independent tea farmers waiting for their break. Aggregating all their productions could help Rare Tea Company address the prevailing market demand for quality tea products. As a small company, Rare Tea needs to expand, which would require funding coming from highly established financial institutions. Potential investors seeing Rare Tea’s business sustainability may express possibility to start their investment with the